Warum haben einige 18650er Akkus eine Ladegrenze von 4,2 V und andere eine Ladegrenze von 3,65 V?
29 2024-12-10
Warum einige 18650 Batterie ist 4,2 V Ladegrenze und einige ist 3,65 V Ladegrenze?Viele Menschen sind ziemlich verwirrt darüber.Dies ist aufgrund der Batterie-Technologie und Materialien unterschiedlich.Dieser Artikel wird klare Tabelle verwenden, um Ihnen helfen, es klar zu verstehen.

18650 ist nur die Zellengröße, die 18mm Durchmesser und 65mm Länge hat, aber es gibt verschiedene Arten von Akkutechnologie in dieser Batteriegröße.

Different battery raw materials feature is totally different. Thus,it is very important to know the 18650 battery type that you are using first.Normally the 18650 battery manufacturer will also have clear mark on the 18650 battery label to specify clearly about the battery type and max charge limits as below.

The battery charge curve of Li-ion 18650 battery and Lifepo4 18650 battery is totally different.

Energy density: Li-ion 18650 batteries have 100-300 Wh/kg higher energy density ,while LiFePO4 18650 batteries only have 100-140 Wh/kg, which means they can store more energy in the same amount of space.

Cost: Li-ion 18650 batteries are generally less expensive than LiFePO4 18650 batteries, making them a more cost-effective option for many applications.

Availability: More Li-ion 18650 battery manufacturer are more widely available than LiFePO4 18650 battery manufacturer.

Performance: Li-ion 18650 battery have a higher discharge rate than LiFePO4 18650 battery, which means they can deliver more power in a shorter amount of time.

However, LiFePO4 18650 batteries have some advantages over Li-ion 18650 batteries, such as a longer lifespan as 2000 times, better safety, and more stable performance over a wider range of temperatures. Ultimately, the choice between Li-ion and LiFePO4 18650 batteries depends on the specific needs of the application.







